Puppy Owner Tips from Your Veterinarian Near Pearl River LA

Puppy Owner TipsBringing home a new puppy is a very exciting time, but it can also be a little intimidating. Follow these simple tips to help the transition go smoothly and encourage your puppy to feel comfortable in their new home.

  • Know animal laws and bylaws. You may be surprised by some of your local laws regarding your pet. Every area is unique, and our veterinarian near Pearl River, LA wants you to be sure to check on the rules that may affect your puppy before you adopt them. Knowing the local laws can help protect your puppy from a variety of situations, so it is best to be prepared ahead of time.

  • Puppy-proof your home. There are simple steps you can take to help prepare your home for a new puppy. Choose an area of your home to put up a small fence, this will be your puppy's area. This is where you will place pee pads and your pet’s crate until they are comfortable in your home. You should also put gates up around staircases and doors to prevent your puppy from going to areas they shouldn’t be in.

  • Set a routine as soon as they enter this new environment. Establishing boundaries and rules early on will help your new puppy understand where they can and can’t go. It will also help them identify you as someone they can trust to guide them in this new place.

  • Do a background check of family health history. This could be helpful for predicting any future health problems. If you know what to look out for, you may be able to prevent serious health issues later on. You should also schedule a check-up when you first adopt your puppy just to make sure they are safe healthy during this new transition period.

  • Enroll them in obedience school. It is best to start training early, so be sure to find a suitable obedience school before you adopt your puppy. This is a great way to socialize your puppy with other dogs as well as other people. Puppy classes will focus on basic training commands and learning how to walk on a leash. Training courses early on can help prevent future bad habits. Just be sure your puppy is up-to-date on all its current shots and vaccinations before being around other dogs at obedience school.

  • Socialize your puppy when they are ready. Don’t take your puppy to the dog park until they are older and have had more formative experiences. Having just one or two bad experiences at the dog park could greatly reduce the chances of your dog befriending other dogs in the future. Going to a dog park can be overstimulating, so it may be better to wait until your dog has completed obedience school and has become familiar with other dogs already before bringing them to the park.

  • Assume they are not house-trained. Dogs can have accidents no matter what age, so don’t assume your dog will let you know when it wants to go to the bathroom. Be proactive with anticipating your pet’s needs. Set up a safe space with pee pads and a gate in your house. This will be where your puppy will go until they are totally house trained. Take your puppy on walks every couple of hours just to make sure they have every opportunity to take care of their business. Always take them to the same spot outside to prevent them from going wherever they like in the future.

  • Choose the right food for your pet’s breed, size, activity level, and age. It is really important that you understand what food your pet is ingesting. Consult with their veterinarian to determine what the appropriate food would be for your pet. There may be specific dietary restrictions that you are unaware of, so always be sure to monitor your pet’s reaction to new foods and how it may be affecting them. Consult who you got your pet from to find out what they have been eating prior to you adopting them.

  • Teach your pet how to love their crate. This will be their own space for them to retreat to when they are tired, when they feel unsafe, or when they just need some space. Train your puppy early on not to fear their crate. Some ways to help them enjoy their space could be feeding them in their crate, increasing crate time in small increments, putting a blanket in the crate to make it more comfortable, and leaving the door open so they can go in and out. Over time, your puppy will hopefully accept their crate as a safe space for them to relax.

  • Familiarize your puppy with friends and family. Introduce your puppy to a new person every day to get them comfortable with strangers. Familiarize them with other puppies when they are ready and after they have completed their vaccination series with your veterinarian near Pearl River, LA.

  • Give your puppy some space. Letting them spend some time alone will help prevent separation anxiety in the future. Don’t make hellos or goodbyes a big deal, this will also help prevent against separation anxiety. You can also leave the tv or radio on when you are not home to make the puppy feel less alone. As tempting as it is to be with your puppy at all times, giving them room to adjust to their environment will help them feel more comfortable.

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